Monday, December 24, 2007

For Rachel

Ok Rachel, here ya go....another post!! lol. I hope all of you who actually read this blog are doing well physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This Christmas break has been good. I have loved being home and away from school The Lord graciously provided a seasonal job for me the Monday after I returned from school. I was so excited to come back to Harvest and the youth group and see all that had been going on. I could tell many changes had happened while I was gone and I'm glad to see that you are all still doing well with your decisions for the Lord. Praise the Lord my first semester at college went well and I passed all my classes. I would just ask you to continue to pray for me as I go into this next semester, my classes will get harder and my life will get much busier. Also pray for my brother Adam as he is supossed to be deployed in September. Thankfully, he won't be deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq, if you know any Marines you'll know that he is disappointed about this. We, as his family, are very relieved, but please continue to pray for his safety and the safety of the marines he will lead. I am still praying for you all and I have loved the time, however short, that we have been able to spend together. Peace out!!


Friday, November 23, 2007

The Long-Awaited Post

Hello all,
I'm not sure how many of you HBC people will read this, but I just thought I would actually use my blog site for once, lol, and let you all know what is going on with me.
College is going well. I love my roomates, and my classes are going well. Please pray that I can grasp the concepts being taught to me in my music theory classes, I have to get a C or better in those classes, or I will fall behind in my requirements. As difficult as college is, being away from home, and family, and friends, and a wonderful church, it has also been a great blessing. Over and over again i have seen the Lord provide in so many ways. When I least expected it, hadn't asked for it, and didn't even know I needed it, the Lord provided exactly what I never knew I needed. I have learned to rely on Him for the most insignificant thing. But even as I do that, I find it difficult to trust Him with the bigger things in my life. As the semester progresses it is becoming increasingly difficult to set aside time to spend in His word. I can see a change in myself when I am not in the Word, and as John said to me, "What keeps me coming back is I know the Joy.....and I'm miserable without it." I remember the peace and the close relationship that I had come to have with my Savior, and it keeps me coming back.
Those are my main prayer requests. You are all in my prayers. As Paul said "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you"

because of the Savior,